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Silver Reaches Out
November marks not only a season of gathering and giving but also Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month. We are excited to launch a food, goods, and clothing drive across all of our store locations to help individuals and families in need. Every bit of help can make a huge difference for those struggling with food and housing insecurity. Join us in spreading warmth and kindness by dropping off items at your local Silver Therapeutics, Silver Cannabis Company, or City Farm location. To show our gratitude, each donated item will earn you a raffle ticket entry to win an exclusive Silver gift basket! The drive will run from November 1st-30th. Winners will be chosen on December 1st.
Each of our stores has partnered with a local organization to ensure our community efforts have the greatest impact. Find your local store below to learn more about the organization and their list of desired items. Together we can make this season bright for everyone in our communities!
Silver Therapeutics- Berwick & Portland, ME
Our Maine locations will be collecting clothing and goods for Maine Needs, a grassroots organization based out of Portland that is dedicated to helping Maine residents meet their basic material needs. Please consider donating:
- Kids winter boots, coats, snow pants, winter clothes (boys sizes 8+, girls sizes 5T & 6), wipes, baby blankets, strollers, crib sheets, legos, and baby socks
- Adult underwear (new) sneakers & boots, casual winter clothing, winter coats, warm socks, waterproof gloves
- Household goods: twin/queen matching sheet sets, twin/full/queen comforters & blankets, bath towels, new pillows, utensil sets, shampoo & conditioner, body wash, large stock pots/crockpots/instant pots
*Late fall & winter clothing only please, no formal business wear, and please prewash used clothing!
Silver Therapeutics- Bennington, VT
Bennington will be collecting food and goods for The Kitchen Cupboard, an incredible organization that provides free food to over 1,000 Bennington families each year. Please consider donating:
- Non-perishable items: beef stew, soups, pasta meals, canned fruits/vegetables, instant meals, any shelf-stable food items
- High protein items: canned tuna/chicken, beef jerky, protein bars, peanut butter
- Goods: Bar soap, shampoo, hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, menstrual products
Silver Therapeutics- Williamstown, MA
Our Williamstown store is collecting food and goods for Louison House, a local organization that provides housing services spanning transitional housing, emergency sheltering, and permanent supportive housing. Please consider donating:
- Microwaveable items: ramen noodles, mac & cheese, soups, chili, complete meals, drinks
- Shelf-stable items: juices, shelf-stable milk, snacks & sweets, canned meals/soups with pop-top lids
- Paper goods: napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, plates/bowls, plastic utensils, cups
- Personal care items: *especially in need of male products* deodorant, razors, shampoo & conditioner
- Other necessities: bath towels, washcloths, new bed pillows, umbrellas, light jackets
Silver Therapeutics- Palmer, MA
Palmer is collecting food and goods donations for Palmer Food Share, a local nonprofit food pantry. They are seeking donations of:
- Shelf-stable food: canned tuna/chicken, peanut butter/sun butter, shelf-stable milk/almond milk, sugar, flour, soups, pasta/sauce, granola bars, cereal, canned fruits/vegetables, bottled water
- Personal care items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, soap, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products
- Cleaning supplies: trash bags, sponges, dish soap, paper towels
City Farm- Roslindale, MA
Our Roslindale store is collecting food donations for the Roslindale Food Pantry! The Roslindale Food Pantry strives to address food insecurity in the Roslindale and Hyde Park communities. Please consider donating:
- Canned goods: canned vegetables, fruits, soups, and beans
- Grains & staples: stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes
- Proteins: canned tuna/chicken, peanut butter, boxed macaroni & cheese
- Dried goods: boxed cake/brownie mix
- Holiday-specific: canned pumpkin pie filling, cranberry sauce, turkey gravy mix
- Miscellaneous: cooking oil, condiments
Silver Cannabis Company- Saratoga Springs, NY
In Saratoga, we are collecting food and goods donations for Shelters of Saratoga, an organization committed to providing supportive services, shelter, and housing. They are seeking donations of:
- Drink: shelf-stable milk, juice boxes, bottled water & juice, powdered drink mixes, coffee
- Food: canned soups, pasta meals, vacuum-sealed/canned meats, ramen noodles, canned fruit/fruit cups, granola/protein bars, peanut butter & jelly, boxed cold cereal
- Condiments: salad dressing, mayonnaise, BBQ sauce, pan spray, cooking oil, sugar
- Supplies: umbrellas, nail clippers, backpacks, flashlights, can openers, Ziplock gallon bags, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, bug spray, toilet paper