Silver Therapeutics’ Community Engagement Specialist Recognized Among WOmen Build Volunteers

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Silver Therapeutics’ Community Engagement Specialist, Kelly Clack, was recognized among WOmen Build Habitat for Humanity volunteers for her hard work in Bennington County, VT on August 26, 2024.

Volunteer organizer, Tye Poquette, shared that this WOmen Build was the first themed build day Habitat for Humanity of Bennington County has done, and it surpassed all expectations for turnout and the amount of work completed. The following was expressed in a letter to the WOmen build volunteers:

“We can’t stress enough the impact that you made on Monday. On our organization, on our partner families, on our community, on our process, and hopefully on you. There were many familiar faces in the crowd on Monday, but also a ton of new ones, and we’re so glad to have you! Between the amount of physical work completed, the number of people supporting our mission in a single day, and the amount of chatter/discussion this has spurred in the community, we don’t quite know how to quantify the success of the day.”

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